The Teaching Cooperative
Business Proposal

Teaching Cooperative Overview:
Faculty Room: A centre of excellence for tuition, language, education services, learning, culture, and literacy
Business summary
- Faculty Room is a new-to-market teaching and tuition provider with experience in teaching private and group classes to individuals or groups of all ages, abilities and requirements.
- We aim to match learners with qualified, certified, experienced and successful educators and tutors and we already have a number of language, scholarship tuition and public service contracts with which we have worked and continue to work.
Cooperative Development Proposals in brief
The brief ideas and proposals for boosting the provision in any of these agreements include the following:
- To bring the English as Additional Language, Leadership, TEFL, Modern Foreign Languages, Literacy and Communications expertise and qualifications of Niven Whatley and Faculty Room into schools
- To offer a range of services and provision to students, staff and parents which would prove more direct, progress-rich and cost effective for all parties than the current status quo.
- To nurture and develop links with agencies or overseas student recruitment to build student numbers for EFL provision and to be able to organise exchanges and integrations between partner schools.
- To introduce local cultural events for people, in line with the specialisms of the school (such as presentations, talks, tastings, exhibitions etc.)
- To build links with schools to be preferred tuition/ language providers for students on roll.
- To produce and publish learning resources as additional promotion, academic kudos and revenue.
To recruit a portfolio of excellent teachers/ tutors to work in offering top quality learning. - To register as exam centre and/or seek accreditations as an organisation.
- To develop marketing, review and promotion strategy to build on existing successes and positive reception.
Cooperative Vision
- Increased revenue and recruitment of students and tuition and service providers.
- Top quality variety of language and learning provision.
- Wider pool of client and talent.
- Enhanced cultural, business and academic links with Education and the community.
- Opportunity for collaborative growth into new areas.
- Faculty Room: To offer timely, personalised and expert educational and cultural learning provision and support services for students, schools and the wider community.
- Faculty Room: Education. Cooperation. Success.

Our Proposal For YOUR School or TRUST
Faculty Room for Schools:
Executive summary
Business summary
- This teaching cooperative is keen to become established in 2018.
- The company will start as a Faculty Room affair, specialising in providing expert provision to all learners, including: language students; students with English as an Additional Language; students who require academic tutoring in any subject; and students who would benefit from personalised learning support.
- The aim is to grow and develop as a trusted tuition partner and Virtual School, managed independently, but operating as a support service to schools and multi academy trusts in the area. (Presently the prospective director lives in Northamptonshire and has expertise and knowledge in teaching in the Beds, Bucks, Northants area).
- The proposal is to bring: English as Additional Language, Leadership, TEFL, Modern Foreign Languages, Literacy and Communications expertise and qualifications of Niven Whatley.
- We aim to offer a range of services and provision to students, staff and parents which would prove more direct, progress-rich and cost effective for all parties than the current status quo.
- Thus, the primary proposal which we would like to put forward that we could be pinned as your school’s trusted tuition partner.
- We would then offer bespoke, tailored and needs-focused tuition to students, which the parents, carers or potentially even some Pupil Premium funds might pay for.
- As a result of this partnership, the school could gain a fantastic reputation for having these additional services, could advertise our logo on websites and newsletters to parents and children, could promote this additional enrichment opportunity to Ofsted and similar and could also benefit from Faculty Room hosting free advertisement stalls at Open Evenings, Parent events and training days.
- Furthermore, staff of your school would be welcomed as paid teachers and experts to provide tuition to students from the school and elsewhere. This would provide them with additional income opportunities, more time to get improved results and engagement from pupils and more opportunity to boost their differentiated practise, without impacting time-tables or teacher directed time.
- All of this would be paid for through the fees generated from the tuition provided and would not impinge on school budgets, organisational duties or time-tables.
- As a secondary possibility, curricular support could also be offered. Currently, most schools employ a mixture of full/ part time teaching staff and full/ part time non-specialist adults, on both time-tabled and sporadic bases, to act as academic and pastoral tutors and teachers, teaching assistants and examination invigilators. The secondary proposal could be to tie these up by having a qualified expert to lead scheduled and structured provision within school premises and during support times in the school day.
- This would aim to save the college money, time and effort on the outgoings and over-used staff capacity and boost markedly improved results in a more managed and tracked system.
- In order to achieve this, specialist withdrawal sessions of TEFL, literacy, curricular support, curricular enrichment, academic mentoring and examination preparation could be offered at a financial level better than is currently available and with more specific expertise and direction for students both inside and outside of curriculum hours.
Our vision for partnership with Your School/ Trust
The vision, which we would firstly ensure was supported by the opinions of current teachers, trustees, students and parents, is: that the curricular and extracurricular provision for students and their progress, engagement and eventual attainment will be instantly boosted; that the school will not be financially responsible for supporting additional tuition of students, but that it would be able to claim bespoke partnership with an expert tuition provider; that students could boost results and raise aspirations through a more robust and tailored programme of academic intervention.
Elevator Pitch
- To save some cost for parents with outside tuition
- To improve literacy
- To increase offering of extracurricular opportunities
- To raise Progress and Attainment 8 potential
- To target more points per student
- To have qualified teachers and TEFL instructors for students
- To have more draw amongst other local and potential feeder schools
- To add capacity to the salaried staffing
- To have someone working internally to assist in promotion of the partnership
- To potentially host students from this and other schools during curriculum remove or support time, using your PP budgets and theirs
- To develop as a Media/PR opportunity about the provision offered
- To improve attainment, raise aspirations and boost engagement and progress of all students
- To have a marketable and privately chargeable homework and private tuition service on offer to parents for their children
We believe in offering timely, personalised and expert educational support services for students, within your college or in privately-funded circumstances, at little or no cost to the school’s budget.
We recognise the value and power of education and the reality that every learner benefits from a curricular and extracurricular provision that meets their needs and strengthens their life prospects.
We see the potential for wider regional buy-in from partner or competitor schools and for hugely increased parental pull.
We aim to help your school achieve Ofsted Outstanding, whilst reducing pressure on staff and resources.
The business philosophy is simple: Education. Cooperation. Success.

Niven Whatley
- Having been a leader in Education since I gained QTS and PGCE in 2010, and being a long-standing private teacher of scholarship exams, EFL and Languages and an Executive Consultant in Study Travel, I feel that my standards of educational leadership, experience and industry knowledge are at an outstanding level and that I am ready to take my skills, expertise, directorial vision and qualifications into a private opportunity within this industry.
- I am an enthusiastic people-person, with a passion for education, languages and learning and a keen eye for detail and I believe that these attributes stand me in good stead to strengthen and support the new direction of the schools in my area.
- Financially, I believe that people of all ages, abilities and means should be given greater opportunity to personalise and support their education.
- Throughout my mainstream education career, I have taken on responsibilities for curriculum support and direction, results analysis, strategy and performance management of staff, students and budgets in several college-wide areas. I feel that these skills will lend themselves to the investment and progression of a successful private enterprise which supports and cooperates with your school’s academic vision.
- Having previously established my own company within Education and Travel, I already have experience in the financial, sales and marketing sides of small company organisation and directorship within a related field.
- I feel the time is right for education in the UK to move up along a more personalised and nurturing curve and to help more vulnerable students meet the increasingly stringent requirements of the national exams framework.
Niven's CV
Offer in short
Appeal to the children by:
- Trips or twilight style club lessons
- Provide resources like stationery
- Termly subject specific party
Variety through:
- Revision
- Core subjects and additional outsourced tuition
- Language
- General tuition
- Breadth of subjects
Appeal to schools by:
- Being free
- Raising aspirations and results
- Looking good for having provision partnership
- Opportunities for exchange and integration
Good for us because:
- Access to students and staff
- Stall at events
- Teachers as tutors
- Presentations at open events
- Newsletters to promote
Extra benefits for learners:
- Interview practice
On School Premises
or at out centre- Additional person in a group extra £15
- 80% of the costs go to the Tutor
- £20 termly trip or party fee
At a Pritvate address
- Additional person in the group £18
- Qualified Staff
- DBS checked