User Manuals and Translations


Here at Faculty Room we are experienced in catering for your private, public and commercial user manual production needs, including writing, layout, presentation, proofreading, editing, translation and voiced interpretation of the user manual.

We recognise the fact that user manuals, instruction booklets and operation guidance all form key aspects of the way in which your company, service and product is received by the customer and we therefore apprecite that the accuracy, tidiness of presentation, comprehension, style and clarity of your corporate literature is paramount.

Faculty Room therefore uses the language, literacy, presentation and IT skills of our directors and associates to ensure that our services for you are of the top quality.

We guarantee to meet deadlines and target standards in all of our user manual and corporate literature projects.

Hand-in-hand with user manual services, we have previously produced contracted language services for a range of corporate clients, which have included:

Commercial marketing video translations and voice-overs for Spanish food suppliers;

Mediterranean Government Conference document translations;

Private yacht repair and maintenance log translations in Portugal;

Translations of user manuals for electronic devices in China;

Business interpretation services for engineering projects in Bangladesh and India;

Multilingual Media Sales and Conference Coordination;

Liaison of private medical requirements for Romanian and Polish school students.

Our Director also has experience as English as Additional Language College-Wide Coordinator in Secondary Schools and as an organiser of community Mandarin Chinese language and culture enrichment classes, so we have a wealth of experience from which you can benefit.

We are also available to help you with your own interpretation, translation, editing, voice-over, outsourced marketing call-centre, communication or organisational requirements.